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So.. Wow.. Its been a while since I wrote.
Hi all,

Sorry its been so long  since I've written anything on the site. I've been really busy trying to get the house up and running. I finally finished painting my office last Sunday. So at least I can work in some sort of comfort, though I have yet to unpack everything.

Want to know what else is going on? then read on..
Ok, so, nothing else has really been going on. Work has been ok, though I may be losing a huge client to India. And to think they actually want me to run the team. A team of my competition. I kinda put a stop to that. I can build a team of CF devs they need a team, but I won't support outsourcing to another country. I know us Americans are overpaid, but I believe I am worth every dollar!

Ok, so enough about work. I have some bad news about the house. It seems that the septic tank is collapsing. Sucky, huh? I think so. I don't think the previous owners knew, so I don't really blame them. It was the original $5,000 estimate that got to me. And of course the limited access to my back yard was making things worse. Well, the good news (if there is any in this situation) is that the estimate from the company the first one recommended came in at $2,000. What a relief. Anywho, this is allowing me to remove some trees (to allow them to get to the septic tank) that i was planning on removing anyways. and to fix the fence. I don't really have the money for this, but I kinda need a septic tank. Also, this is going to allow me to plant some new trees.

And while we are on that subject. If you join The National Arbor Day Foundation for $10 you get 10 free trees to plant. What is really kewl, is that if any of the trees don't grow, then they will replace them. Now I realize that 10 trees may be a bit much, but they also have the option to send the trees somewhere else. So you may want to contact your local park and see if they want donations, or perhaps a local church. Trees are good for the environment people! Plant some fracking trees!

Ok, enough about trees. On to other pressing matters. I have found in the past few months a new musician that I have really found true enjoyment in. Her name is Regina Spektor. She is really kinda cookey, but I like that about her. Her lyrics are more like short stories that you can really get drawn into. Check her out. You can listen to every album she's released on her site under 'music'. Just click on the tape you want to lilsten to. Be warned her two first albums, 'Songs' and '11:11' (eleven:eleven) are self released and are really raw. They are still worth a listen though.

Ok peeps, that is enough for now. now that life isn't so hectic I will try and write more. See-ya!
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